Enrique Correa*
* Environmental Space in Culture and Science www.esicas.blogspot.com jecorrea@retina.ar Private office address: Pacheco de Melo 2949 2nd “D” 1425 Buenos
Aires Argentina ICAS (Instituto de Ciencias
Ambientales y Salud, Paysandú 752, Buenos
Aires )
This article proposes that a National organization of societies subdues individuals
to a common identity that at the end (or at the start) are denied into a totalizing and
multi-encompassing metanarrative
discourse in which the
understanding of facts, either historical and social nature are assumed into an absolutist form, pretending
to answer and give solution to every contingency with a same national outlook. By denying the
diversity of voices and multiplicity of narratives, a sole
rigid and stereotyped narrative is to be imposed in the merit of the strong
leaderships backing the national behaviors, rationales and
ideals. Furthermore, grown into a strong Nationalistic narrative it will
summarize many different stories into a sole recopied story for everyone,
including those firmly opposed to it, ignoring or deleting the different views
while suscribing anonymous copy or appropriation of the diverse individual/
subgroups works and thoughts –in fact a sole National authoritative narrative
guiding the construction of society-. Under such a scope, although fitted into a democratic “Human rights”
fashion, deletion of those people firmly opposed to such a Nationalistic
rationale and methodology, although actually not considered terrorist subjects-
instead to be physically eliminated might have entered into nazi masked
pseudoscientific cybernetic code behavioral and mind control practices.
Otherwise the present internet facilities along electronic neo-nazi espionage
procedures permitting assault to privacy vanishes all respect for real
communication and comprehension between every kind of people and groups
–including research and education-, permitting to be employed as partner projects equivalent to
algorythms. On the other hand, both in liberty and in prison
many writers and poets from different regions and through all the World Ages
not surrendering to manipulation by money or complacency with the
establishment, have consistently opposed to such extra family narratives
conducting people to submit to the policy, the military or religious social
power systems rule, by defending their natural communication skills, many times
under metaphoric disguise. Most exemplary amongst all highlights the testimony
of deep commitment to defend the truth by the french novelist writer Émile Zola, denouncing in a
letter titled “J’accuse”, matters of espionage,
Nationalism and anti-Semitism concerning the defense of Captain Alfred Dreyfus.
It is discussed that a multicultural or
intercultural status of society pondering diverse ethnographic and cultural
identities priorities guaranteed by a organizational system capable of ensuring its political
recognition –as that one specially
subscribed by Canada’s Prime Minister PierreTrudeau- would enable the
construction of multicultural and intercultural narratives backed by legislated
policies supporting their practice; instead
to endure on a National State organization supporting the Nation as a
primordial value subduing every single individual and groups’ rights through
national policies attempting to control and rule the social groups by indorsing
the control of the person to think and diverge.
According to Gilles Deleuze (1990) machines match
with the type of society producing (or buying) and using them. In the case of
the most recent disciplinary society equipped with machines involving energy,
the society of control operates with informatics’ machines that imply diverse
types of assault on privacy as piracy, the introduction of viruses or of
espionage devices. Correspondingly the "society of control"
institutions focus in the perpetual engagement with the individual lives
operations within society in order to exercise permanent effective control over
them; thus, while endowing an apparent appearance of more freedom and openness to
individuals in society, they actually have simply increased the level of
institutional control on society through more sinuous means. It is proposed
that such a technological evolution would become a mutation of capitalism, the
capitalist power system becoming the owner
not only of the means of production but also, progressively through internet
data recollection, the owner of other individual spaces including intellectual
work production, as well emotional life and relationships conceived through
analogical pairs of algorithms -perhaps even with a microchip installed
disposal thought, perception, and other mental functions might become
algorithms-. Norbert Wiener (1967) defined
for drivers of cyber programs of social control: "Cybernetics is the study
of control and communication in living organisms and machines (...) while we
retain a trace of ethical discrimination, (their use) for low moral purposes, constitutes a total moral equivalent of
witchcraft and simony. Amongst the devotees of power there are many who await
with impatience the limitations of humanity. ( ... ) It is possible to find
this type of dominant minds by the subordinates they choose (entirely at their
disposal, very industrious but with scant independent initiative, the eunuchs
of the harem of the Sultan). The functions of its slaves can be transferred to
the machines. Such dominant mind is the mind of the sorcerer in the full sense
of the term (...) similarly as the "magic" of automation”.
“(…) The greatest evil in the world is the
evil committed by nobodies; even committed by men without motives, without
convictions, without wicked hearts or demonic minds. By human beings that
refuse to be persons. And it is this phenomenon that I have called the banality of evil”-See Note 1- [“Hannah
Arendt”, Film of Margarethe von Trotta, with Barbara Sukowa, 2013].
order to establish control of citizens through espionage practices, amongst the
sufficient technical conditions it seems necessary to firmly establish a State
based on a National organization, not only supporting any kind of military
action killing innocent people -as no moral conflict involvement would be
implied in behalf of the interests at stake of the Nation, whether atomic bombs
as the ones bursting over Hiroshima and Nagasaki or any other kind of massive
destruction weapon being thrown over and over again-, but fundamentally able to
ignore or abuse on the private citizen rights, with no identified person or
organism to be blamed, just because the
Nation is at risk. Whatsoever the urges and reasons for the Nation’s
supposed higher interests to prevail, in their core will stand opposite to the
persons’, family and multiple social small groups’ needs (Correa & Hobbs,
2009), including the diverse cultural identities priorities -traits specially
subscribed by Canada’s Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau when he pondered a
cultural definition of State organization instead a National one-. Moreover, a
National based order will enact infinite military actions and wars in multiple
fronts instead harvesting conversation and reflection settings for building up
real diplomatic dialogue and International rule orders, therefore preserving their primacy over other
competitive nations on the nations’ organization-organisms -as
i.e. the U.N.-, or not complying at all with an international Justice Court, as
i.e. U.S.
does. Under such a National social order system, human beings don’t matter,
animal and vegetable spaces don’t matter, cultural heritage patrimony nor
atmosphere nor any environmental risk matters, nor even life in the earth
matters: what matters is the survival of the Nation along its Imperial symbols
of power securing the maneuvers of the intelligence services that maintain
dominion, control and wealth of the minorities conducting them. After 9/11 implosive-bomb
plane attack exploded over the Twin Tower buildings in New York, this rational
view of the priority of National interests would support any kind of abusive or
immoral action against persons or groups suspected of terrorist action (similar
perhaps to a sacred super-cultural war against other cultures), as well allow
nowadays espionage masked under internet and other electronic means
communication. National services policies reasoning against terrorist threats
allow tough totalitarian mass-proceedings in their own nations (as sharply was
demonstrated by Naomi Wolff concerning the control of free citizen’s rights
expression in the US; along William Assange, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden
reports in regard to electronic espionage backing US and UK criminal military
acts together to person’s, institution’s and other states’ intrusive actions;
or else by the Amerithrax case and other unsolved events against US civilian
citizens showing diverse examples of National Services’ complex operations), as
in others’. A National policy program depriving Justice from persons’ rights
designed for the National Security philosophy that shaped dictatorships ruling
Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay for the anti-subversive war that
tortured, killed by “disappearing” people –among other yet unrevealed
procedures-, was guided by the National Security interests of other Nations, as
in the case of U.S. ,
the plan for ousting and killing President Salvador Allende and followers from
the Chilean Communist Party. Under such scope National Security military regime
procedures are not different from Nazi’s, subverting Justice and person’s
rights, installing anonymity and mediocrity in the crew of National Security
non-thinking agents, handling human destiny in the sake of the Nation’s
interests: this definition supporting the Nation as a primordial value subduing
all the rest that encompasses every single individual and subgroups rights,
matches the concept of National-socialism made on the ethnic groups selection
by Nazis as well the National policies attempting to control and rule the
social groups by indorsing the control of the person to think, no chemical
incinerating procedures would be necessary. Obtaining submission to such
National policies deserve assays of population complete submission to them, as
dramatically exampled the Nazi decrees
forcing Jews to wear an identification distinctive sign or to consent with kristallnacht broken
glass stores, preludes before mass extermination procedures. If alcohol
prohibition and communism persecution at Mc’ Carthy’s times could be confronted in
the early XXth’ century times, nowadays’ social tobacco-consumer demonization
or espionage abuses over privacy exert little or belated response on the
defense of persons’ rights, with no "Hollywood Ten" claims,
but instead Hollywood films and actors’ endorsement, fear from writers to
denounce and from journalists to report.
“(…) the most
striking insight (…) was the totality of the moral collapse that the Nazis
caused in respectable European society. And not only in Germany but in almost all
countries. Not only amongst the prosecutors/ persecutors but part amongst
its victims”–Hannah Arendt, quote-.
the moral submission of western societies by no means has ended after Nazism
disappeared under the ruins and miraculous recovery of post war societies, as
Nazi style propaganda became an un-averted model guiding consumers in the
supermarket as well in its political preferences or in the construction of the
belief systems. The continuous rule by a National based political system
distorts the nature of democratic based systems masking through the civil
exercise of vote and apparent rule by congress representatives although at the
same time biasing its functioning by measures that in fact inhibit the
accomplishment of law, giving full rights to the personal mandatory will or
establishing alibis to deflect Justice or enough parliamentary discussion and
revision. Such pressure functioning
pretends not only to impose unexamined procedures by official parallel agencies
but to diminish thought and responsibility for providing Justice to proceed on
moral grounds in behalf of guarding the citizen rights. Such social political
order supporting deceitful Judicial standards assuring the chronic perversion
of the citizens’ rights, as the one that can be implemented by a Nation under
permanent military rule (as happened in Argentina since 1930, governed both by
Military and Peronist totalitarian like Governments), fully
accomplishes the establishment of a Nationalistic ideology making to prevail
National security policies together with popular politics withholding a same
broad National policy concept as the one grown in the XXth century European
totalitarian states. Furthermore the Peronist regime in Argentina –who showed well known
relationships with German Nazis and Dictators from the Hispanic world supporters of it- created
in the 50s a system of police espionage composed of persons related to any of
the building services (doorman, officers and service operators), who could hear
and betray the people against the government.
Nowadays technological surveillance might also be backed by contingent
events intentionally provoked by members of such groups. In his book Blowback, Chris Simpson describes the “Clip”
operation involving the
importation of large quantities of known Nazi war criminals, scientists
specialized in the manufacture of rockets, concentration camp guards, etc..
Some operations involved the Vatican, the Intelligence Department of the United
States and the British intelligence service in which the worst criminals
captured Nazis were destined in principle to be used in Europe, but also were
sent to Latin (Noam Chomsky, 1994).
The National ideology and practices followers of the original Nazis can now be
well called Neo-Nazis or Techno Nazis, rendering the espionage procedures a delightful
torture turning the Arbeit macht frei
metaphor a mad making riddle for subduing those intelligent subversives and intellectual subjects resistant to
orders engineered to comply with the computer espionage associated work.
Espionage procedures possible to be handled by neo-Nazi technology mixing message emission to computerized microchips
would then attempt not only against the right of every person to defend its
intimacy but also the right of the implicated person to defend itself from the
abuses made through such espionage methods damaging the whole personal
universe. Through such invasive espionage technology the perceptive limits of
the Self and personal identity become distorted -as i.e. by continuous emission
of very low frequency messages that could be further increased to enter in a
kind of subconscious dialogue when
the person writes in his supervised personal computer a challenging idea that
the espionage operator can respond with a low frequency emission: “Why? ”-See Note 2-.
Socrates and Plato we understand the usually thinking to be engaged in the
silent dialogue between me and myself” –Hannah Arendt, quote-:
espionage of private life by any means is consented to be performed by the {Governments
–as showed in German film "The Lives of Others" {Das leben der anderen
de Florian Henckel, 2006]-, nowadays electronic technological devices may allow
the abuse expansion of the individual in many forms. Through diverse kind of
espionage media facilities holding emission of messages in response to
individual espionage follow-up, a person might be subjected to masked torture
perverse police systems in order to take control of its life and behaviors -either
by indirect or direct media making the subject to know about such espionage
"presence", while giving any clews of the sources, an alert
electronic device response may install some kind of Pavlov's conditioned
response assuring accomplishment of tasks in a similar way as a dog would do in
applying Claude Bernard`s experimental Medicine trials-. No matter what motives
are indorsed for accomplishing such criminal procedures with some
"selected special populations" (i.e. prisoners or political enemies
of the system), its functioning essentially will need above any fabulous
instrument, proper environment or susceptible candidates, of a distorted and
biased Justice system assuring the abuse of individual rights as the one
consenting with the law of National Security which allows the Governments to
display abusive methods with complete impunity through anonymous agents and
imprecise motives that remain concealed and forbidden to be revised and
challenged by journalism or civil organisms).
responsibility (is) to understand (accounts from the) single most defining
human quality, that of being able to think, (to be) capable of making moral
judgments. This inability to think created the possibility for many ordinary
men to commit (or allow) evil deeds on a gigantic scale. (Conversely the)
manifestation of (…) thought. Is not knowledge, but ability to tell right from
wrong, beautiful from ugly, (so) thinking gives people the strengths to prevent
catastrophes in these rare moments (when all seems lost) –Hannah Arendt,
country subjected to chronic socio-political perversion of the citizens’
rights, as that one implemented by Argentina under continued Military and
Peronist totalitarian-like Governments with long periods of exercise
(Democratic shaped governments as those ruled by the Radical Party were always
interrupted, anyone ending the year time period for which they were elected),
moreover being inhabited by a high quality cultural population able to migrate
to first world vacancies of diverse professional and specialized technical
sorts, provides a probe to test behavioral regulating methods that very
unlikely would had been possible to assay in other late XXth-early XX1st
century social media with no such dual conditions meeting together submissive
behaviors to authoritative government rule and a highly intelligent
concentration of people from European immigration. If this was the case in
Europe and North America’s societies before World War II, openness to different
kinds of rulings derived from newly acquired social rights, made it harder for
the totalitarian-capitalist-imperialistic socio-political power systems to propose similar fishing hooks fascinating
war followers or alcohol detractors as the ones making US National pride
advocators to get under FBI chases of communists. Argentina was interrupted in
her flourishing national development ruled by early XXth century democracy, by a coup of
the Prussian military army that was addicted to Nazi ideology that ran parallel
to Hitler’s rise to power in Germany: Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) evolution in
Weimar Republic must had inspired
the argentine Prussian shaped military following the tracks of such German military
and political organization. Although
the former’s first victory over democratic parties in
Germany -turning it the second-largest
parliamentary force-, occured in September 14th
1930- a week earlier than argentine military takeover in
September 6th 1930, both
focus followed a similar objective: to end and replace the democratic
government structure. In fact Hipólito Irigoyen was elected in the pools by a
massive majority of citizens as never had happened before in Argentina . Peron itself at that
time actively participated in the organization of the military coup conspiration
and further repression against president Hipólito Irigoyen, forming also part
of a group of Nazi officials (GOU) following Hitler’s ideology, permitting to
guess that not by chance he was sent during 1939-1941 as an Argentina ’s
military attache to Benito Mussolini's Italy .
Peron did not hide his admiration for the fascist regime, which he defined as "a test of national
socialism". Later after
his arrival to power in 1943/ 1945 immediately previous to Hitler’s definitive
fall, facilitated many Nazi leaders to enter in Argentina (as those important
as Adolf Eichmann and others) that could escape Nüremberg and establish in
mountain-valley regions of Argentina remembering southern Germany’s and Austria’s
(Bariloche, Córdoba), where coincidently blossomed
atomic energy and arm/ aeronautic research (nevertheless such clear political
connections, these were never overtly accepted by him nor by his political
party followers, most recently denying soil to undertake the corpse of a high
Italian Nazi representative who died in Italy but lived in Argentina).
Argentina the social conditions allowing submissive behaviors to authoritative
government ruling extended to occupy any post with no professional competence
for it, which is linked to the spoil of marginalized highly intelligent
population not complying to surrender to the socio-political perversion status.
It is posed that the criminal
elimination and disappearance of people under the Peronist and Military regimes
since the late 60s up to the early 80s, allowed in that similar range of time
behavioral and mind control practices to be assayed in candidate subjects surveyed both at military, police and close to
police stations, putting on trial computational methods improved in the recent
years as added to criminal espionage technology during the Peronist governments
working together with SNA after the decay of the government by the Radical
Party policy ruled by Raúl Alfonsín.
Patterns of intellectual work appropriation: A hypothesis
To copy and appropriate from research and work from
others has been facilitated or enhaced in the social societies with feeble
exercise of democracy and justice. Nepotism, bribery and deceitful contests
with disguised partners and false maneuvers had been a common place in the
peronist governments as well as in the military, together with official and
private institutions sharing a same authoritative style connected with a
syntonic (if not part of a same) political position. Otherwise Argentina is
well known for its capabilities for cheat and falsification. I remember when I
was 17 years old and went to know Peru that a close friend of us told
us the bad fame argentines had, argentine
becoming a synonym of swindler. When
I was a bursar at the British Council in 1979, I had the opportunity to meet
the Editor of the British Journal of Cancer at the Paterson Labs., from the Institute for Cancer Research at the
University of Manchester, who
showed very interested in my work on an original issue with experimental
environmental stress with mice (housing, handling) and viral tumor progression
and told me about his experience with argentine researchers reporting papers at
the Buenos Aires International Cancer Congress, that
was held on October 1978: “Copy research, he said”. Such tendency for robbery
might intermingle with destructive competitiveness that is easily promoted in
every professional environment where personal achievements become targets for
social and cultural praise rewarded by money and social status. In this realm, internet facilities provide alibis for anonymous robbery and
appropriation exerted by those with no moral boundaries and ethical behavior
rules. Moreover, a social environment not respecting the proficiency or merits
acquired by hard study or deep commitment might encourage looking after the
contacts and relationships that would ensure obtaining work posts instead
achieving it by contest presentations. For the latter case military and
military-like (peronists) governments that had make laws -or suppress laws- biasing
constitutional statements in order to clear the way for their purposes, grant
the necessary political connections that would secure easy work posts for those
in their families, friends and supporters. This can also determine connections
abroad if such non democratic governments seal agreements with other nations on
the basis of political or commercial interests instead considering the merits
granting support on their own. It is easily assumed that a socio-cultural
context ruled by such authoritative deceitful behaviors would not only
interrupt the natural order of the community making to progress projects and
hardships obtained by the best, but would bolster a disorganizative disfunction
of every institution, both official –distorting Justice, Economy,
Communication, Education, Health, Social employment and development, Science,
Technology and productive innovation, in strict behalf of their own limited political
party interests-, and private, replicating the model of power and control over
individuals instead promoting the best.
A National based political system continuous rule
distorts the nature of democratic based systems damaging profoundly the citizen
rights. The National security policies as the one grown by the Peronist regime in Argentina, which
was born in parallel to German Nazi development, built up a system of police espionage that
include a system of civil informers at buildings,
households, headquarters (“manzaneras”) and public transport drivers (cabs)
that provided information about those contrary to the regime, nowadays
these sources of denouncement are mainly provided by technological
surveillance. Such a National political order under permanent
military rule grew in Argentina since 1930 under Military and Military-like
Peronist Governments, granting deceitful Judicial standards assuring deflection in
the protection of the citizens’ rights, as well allowing and even encouraging
criminal behaviors in the marginalized populations as clearly is shown in the later
Peronism headed by the Kirchners’ presidencies by diverse means including attempts
to change the penal code lowering penalties of the crime repeaters, giving
license to leave jail in determined political sustained occasions, promoting
parity in political/ recreational activities amongst prisoners and penitentiary
authorities –i.e. creating groups as Vatayon Militante to justify the actions of gangs in
prisons, to recruit followers to act in "Heavy" acts following
Brigades designed by CFK’s admired Venezuelan totalitarians -a revolutionary
militia to protect the government from the democratic forces-, redefining
social identity on political
biased concepts that support for slum dwellers a "slum
social identity" as determined
by Peronist political identity –a
political party in government ruled by peronist presidents since the last 13
years (2001-2014), coincidently related to the lapse of time when shanty towns
increased 156% -growing from 107.422 inhabitants in 2001 to 275,000 in 2013; while
no laws passed for urbanize the settlements were met (Rocha, 2014)-. Shanty
towns were
originated in times of Gral. Juan Domingo Peron, according to a geopolitical
strategy providing easy political manipulation and sure votes for peronism-,
hence such identity endowing power
and autonomy to whole fast extending shanty town populations increased by
neighboring countries migrants in the realms of drug traffic (as happens in
Rosario) or enhancing strength of crews nurturing political acts designed by
the Kirchner Peronist Government couple (2004-2014), alike the movements of unemployed (picketers),
popular assembly members, or hooligans.
A National based political system
strengthens authority as corresponds to the identity of citizens, assuring that
they will be considered in their rights, as essential parts of the Nation. Therefore
enrichment and power of the Government is transitively seen as a hallmark of
enrichment and power of the Nation. In this concern the Kirchner Government couple have been blamed with
infinite corrupted acts involving gross enrichment of their patrimony, money
washing, use of national treasure and retirement funds for their own policy
interests, dirt interests with drug, prostitution, controversial business with
oil, Banknote printing, open attempts to
condition press and Justice, whereas perpetual victimization of their deeds
while at the same time blaming others helped to exaggerate the use of
propaganda praising themselves and denying all deserved accusations of
negligence and failures in their accomplishments, not complaining with judicial
orders, justifying every mistake with open cheating and aggressive
nationalistic discourse. One eminent protest in the population in the streets
has been the claim for insecurity, which the Government has read as a reaction
of the upper and middle classes that would not interest the poor which in their
will would represent, although at the same time denying true indexes of
appalling poverty (seprin.info, 2014; La Nación , 2014-3/ 5),
favouring occupation of lands and chattels. Otherwise, due to the lack of
reaction of the Government authorities to the unstoppable advance of
insecurity, life became worthless in Argentina reaching at the present time a frequency of one murder every 40 hours in Buenos
Aires (lanacion.com, 2013); one murder every 30 hours in Rosario, the second
largest city where murder grew 134% in 6 years (www.agenciapacourondo.com.ar, 2014); being 2013 the year of more crimes since 2009 in the rich Cordoba
Province,19 percent more than in 2012 (La Voz del Interior, 2013).
Amogst these a very severely beaten population are the retirees, who are
savagely assaulted taking advantage of the vulnerability of their age, hence
becoming this the cause of death (lanacion.com,
2014-2), a
retiree dying every four days in assaults (lanacion.com,
Clarín, 2014-3).
Moreover, the Nationalistic view collect all types of
National symbols and fundaments supporting a common endowment of national pride
and strength. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner presidency moves forward by
melting them together into a peronist-southamerican bricollage mixing her
deceased husband Nestor aligned together to José de San Martin Independence
leader born the same day (two centuries before) as well to the science fiction
comic “The Eternaut” created by screenwriter Héctor G. Oesterheld, disappeared
on the last military dictatorship; designs Bolivian leader of Independence
Juana Azurduy sculpture to replace Colombus monument close to the Government
House, in fact shamefully fragmented in pieces at the soil, opposing legal
dispositions and Italian Community will who presented it for Argentina`s first
centennary of independence, a fate coinciding with Hugo Chavez’ opinion on the
evil of Colombus deserving no mercy; or creating a brand new National Strategic
Thought Secretariat under the Ministry of Culture leaded by `philosopher
Richard Forster, that responds to the Kirchner group of intellectuals, making
some to remind the Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda of Nazism that was
directed by Joseph Goebbels -as stated in the Official Gazette, the
"primary responsibility" of this new position is to "design,
coordinate and implement a powerhouse of national thought, adjusted to the
guidelines established by the Secretary."- (Lanacion, 2014-4).
Such Nationalistic pride of the Government found no
remorse for ambiguity when naming as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, an
official in charge of the espionage of the army, with proved antecedents in
attempting against the democratic President Alfonsín in the last military coup
he suffered, as well implicated in abuse during dictatorship (Human Rights
Watch, 2013), in fact a soldier at his charge. National
pride can justify any crime, as when in the Falkland
war, people filled the scenery with waving flags for greeting the military
assassin dictatorship. Such national pride finds easy unity amongst people will
to behead enemies, abstinence for the
use of reason, and quick recovery of self-esteem as when the favorite football
team wins. Collection of emotions and aggressive drives are sufficient for the
conduction of masses by opportunistic policy leaders; as well don't suffice in
other fields dealing with respect and affection between individuals, as is
needed in the family groups: “A woman killed her ex-husband in order to keep his savings for her. The victim
was a veteran of the Falklands war” (Clarín, 2014-2);
“Looking for his ex but that he couldn’t find, a young 33 year old, former
partner of the daughter and granddaughter, brutally slaughtered her mother and
grandmother: a 58 year old woman and her mother, 83. He is charged with double
murder aggravated by cruelty and illegal possession of a weapon of war” (Clarín, 2014-1). In the flyer it is showed how
the flag inspired the pride and love that humans didn’t.
nationalism has found to be easily spread though publicity and highly influential media in the
Nazi, Fascist and other Totalitarian-like policy trends in Asia, Europe, Africa
and America. The Dreyfus affair engaged deep
commitment by the novelist writer Émile Zola to defend in his a letter titled “J’accuse” to Captain Alfred Dreyfus against a background of
espionage, Nationalism and anti-Semitism. The case held in France during the Third Republic, began in 1894 and continued through 1906 (although
the army, however, did not publicly declare his innocence until 1995), becoming
a modern and universal symbol of iniquity in the name of reason of State
(Wikipedia), backed by society. “The affair marked the start of a new phase in
the history of the Third Republic, a phase in which a series of Radical-led
governments pursued an anticlerical policy that culminated in the formal
separation of church and state”. “By intensifying antagonisms between right and left
and by forcing individuals to choose sides, the case made a lasting impact on
the consciousness of the French nation” (Encyclopædia Britannica). If
consciousness becomes from vivid experiences and it is not inherited, writers in
books and journals would be fundamental in their committment denouncing
constant deceit by the social power systems (Correa & Hobbs, 2009), as would
also have to bravely stand in political discussion defying the regime’s punishment for long years, as Zola did and in return receive
endless offenses from the regime up to final crime**.
If not chased,
abused and killed by very cruel methods, imprisonment in jails and madhouses has
been a common pratice of marginalization of the oponents to the social power
systems ruled by politician or religious authorities along the sad history of
manhood all over the world through its different regions, dogmas and ages. Or else
intelligent people not complying to surrender to the socio-political perversion
status can be easily withdrawn from work posts that are given to the Official
Party followers, further assured by methods implying “non political” programmed
elimination and criminal disappearance of people. In Argentina the
police involvement in imprisonment and torture methodologies were implanted by Gral. Juan
Domingo Perón during his dictatorship that continued through the other military
dictatorship regimes up to an every day implementation in Argentina ruled by
peronist governments. "This
is quite normal in all the provinces," hinted Verdú, for whom this type of
police excesses are not a relic of the last military dictatorship (1976-1983).
"Today in the framework of democracy continue to exist. Over the last 30
years there was an adaptation of the different methods and repressive practices
to the needs of each stage," he added. According to Verdú daily murder
occurs in Argentina caused by excesses as the "easy trigger" --the
indiscriminate use of firearms by the police-- torture and other modalities practiced by the various security forces of the country,
including the prison service (noticias.terra.com.ar, 2012). Such inspiration for Peron and other close dictators friends (as
Stroessner en Paraguay and Franco in Spain) could find easy roots in the Nazi
immigrants that he made come to settle in Argentina.
Under such a scope, but fitted into a
democratic “Human rights” fashion, deletion of people –those firmly opposed to
such a Nationalistic rationale and methodology, although actually not
considered terrorist subjects- instead to be physically eliminated might enter
into nazi masked `pseudoscientific cybernetic code behavioral and mind control
practices. At a similar range of time when Latin American countries were ruled
by military dictatorships or at the present “Human rights” advocated
democracies of the recent Peronist governments, such technology would be possible
to assay in candidate subjects surveyed both at military, police and close to
police stations, actually probably guided by United States National Security
Agency (NSA) supporting improved criminal espionage technology and computational
methods. Norbert Wiener (1967) defined for drivers of cyber programs of social
control: "Cybernetics is the study of control and communication in living
organisms and machines (...) while we retain a trace of ethical discrimination,
(their use) for low moral purposes, constitutes a total moral equivalent of
witchcraft and simony. Amongst the devotees of power there are many who wait
with impatience the limitations of humanity. ( ... ) It is possible to find
this type of dominant minds by the subordinates they choose (entirely at their
disposal, very industrious but with scant independent initiative, the eunuchs
of the harem of the Sultan). The functions of its slaves can be transferred to
the machines. Such dominant mind is the mind of the sorcerer in the full sense
of the term (...) similarly as the "magic" of automation”.
"Every so often the social balance is disrupted in favor of mediocrity The
atmosphere becomes refractory to all striving for perfection, ideals weaken and
dignity is absent (…). (As the mediocre) feels free of guilt and calms his
conscience if the laws (that) release him from the penalties for the offenses
he committed” (Ingenieros, 1913).
Does immoral
professional competitive behaviors to be run in a country full of scam and
unethical behaviors aligned with authoritative dictatorial regimes expand to witch chase of the challenging
professionals supporting robbery of their work and papers that strive to find
their own merits by proper contests, hence circumventing authoritative granted
mechanisms? As similar situations of this kind occurred to me in different
fields of work, I understood they were related to the former, explained by
power transgression of social rules as those governing Argentina since 1930,
when the democratic cycle by three democratic government rulings [Radical
Party] were interrupted and replaced by alternating autocratic or fascist-like
military regimes, among the governments of democratic shape [Radical Party],
that in all cases were interrupted, limiting their complete exercise to short
time duration spans. Otherwise present internet facilities along electronic
neo-nazi espionage procedures permitting assault to privacy, vanishes all
respect for real communication and comprehension between every kind of people
and groups –including research and education-, allowing to classify
words/sentences or conversations –if not actions done within their intimate
environment- into stereotypic
meanings or clichés (Amossy & Herschberg Pierrot, 2005), disguised
under sexopathic covers as a bananality
of evil, equivalent to algorithms employed in Intelligence Agencies, for political
or commercial partner projects
In order to
establish control of citizens through espionage practices, amongst the
sufficient technical conditions, it seems necessary to firmly establish a State
based on a National organization, not only supporting any kind of military
action killing innocent people -as no moral conflict involvement would be
implied in behalf of the interests at stake of the Nation, whether atomic bombs
as the ones bursting over Hiroshima and Nagasaki or any other kind of massive
destruction weapon being thrown over and over again-, but fundamentally able to
ignore or abuse on the private citizen rights, with no identified person or
organism to be blamed, just because the
Nation is at risk. Whatsoever the urges and reasons for the Nation’s
supposed higher interests to prevail, in their core will stand opposite to the
persons’, family and multiple social small groups’ needs. Under such spirit
after 1945, Christian Democrats and Social Democrats Europeans shared the ideal of a united and peaceful
Europe, where continental solidarity -a commitment to economic equality, the
welfare state and multiculturalism- would gradually substitute Nationalism
(Buruma, 2014). Analogous to personal quests in
search of its independent development and recognition of their rights to think
differently and question the establishment, after world war II triggered by the
German National Socialism, many european movements started fighting their
autonomy to the national political organizations, establishing their own
identity claims as well questioning them as required to participate in the
armed conflict of their dictatorial conceptions and economic crisis determined
by measures abolishing the regional characteristics of cultural and historical
diversity. In Argentina, such National conception withdrawing her from the
National Constitution and democratic organization rule until 1930, derived in
constant military and fascist shaped governments that set dictatorial
conditions to the population and press, financial crises connected with
corruption at all levels, abuse of the people`s Rights, robbery of their
patrimony (i.e.: the retired funds are used for diverse government interests
and the payment of the debts to retirees delayed for long periods), investment of
the National treasure in the Government publicity, party organization and
military/ Intelligence structure; revolutionary mode coups vía military,
financial or made up street manifestation disorders ending with alternative
democratic governments; support of war with neighbouring countries (the last
military dictatorship responsible of unrestricted torture and assassination was
cheered when re-directed their blood thirst overturned on the argentine territory
to the Bristish ruled Malvinas Islands –Falkland-, generating death toll,
madness and disablement in untrained, physically vulnerable very young soldiers
as well bereavement in their families).
organization subdues individuals to a common identity that at the end (or at
the start) are denied into a totalizing and multi-encompassing
metanarrative discourse in which the
understanding of facts, either historical and social nature are assumed into an absolutist form, pretending
to answer and give solution to every contingency with a same national outlook. By denying the diversity of voices and multiplicity of
narratives, such
suscribes in turn rigid and stereotyped narratives, that are to be imposed in
the merit of strong leaderships of those corresponding to the national
behaviors, rationales
ideals. Furthermore,
grown into a strong Nationalistic narrative will summarize many different
stories into a sole recopied story for everyone, including those firmly opposed
to it, ignoring or deleting different views and suscribing anonymous copy or appropriation
of the individual/ subgroups works and thoughts –in fact a sole National authoritative
narrative guiding the construction of society-.
Instead a National State organization supporting the
Nation as a primordial value subduing every single individual and subgroups
rights to it through national policies attempting to control and rule the
social groups by indorsing the control of the person to think; a Multicultural or Intercultural definition
pondering diverse cultural identities priorities -traits specially subscribed
by Canada’s Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau- at the personal, group and social
identities integrate diverse national and universal appurtenances (Ernest Tugendhat as quoted by Comuzzi, 2010) into a mosaic of multiple personal, group and
socio-cultural identities.
This feature as well as the need to understand diverse meaning at diverse
cultures and languages might be posed hallmarks of Canadian culture that would
benefit from conversation and reflective sharing in order to achieve comprehension
for the possible resolution of conflicting issues in the intercultural
communication interactions as well to fulfil trans-cultural objectives
promoting knowledge and comprehension of the Canadian culture in relation to
other cultures. This can be reframed as a narrative cultural entrance for
seeking meaning at a broader Canadian cultural context as the Canadian
multicultural state policy declaration 40th anniversary celebrating on Oct. 8,
2011, that was born from Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s multicultural vision.
McGill University professor of religion, law and ethics, Daniel Cere (2011),
points out the Canadian multicultural project making Canada a model for the
world to follow in the “ethos, design and performance in its uniquely Canadian
birthplace that deserves more attention” than that one it actually has or else
offers unaware vulnerability for discredit by another countries or elite
circles. The principle of
multiculturalism implies tolerance and acceptance of diversity of multiple
coexisting stable ethno-cultural and personal identities§ that can only be guaranteed by a organizational system
capable of ensuring its political recognition (Beauchemin, 2010) through
legislated policies that support their practice; nor just discursive formulations
or ideological statements (Theriault, 2010),
destined to mask it.
And He will judge between the
nations, And will render
decisions for
many peoples; And they will hammer their
swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning
Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And
never again will they learn war. Isaiah 2:4
Multicultural and inter-cultural group narratives
provides diversity of meaning at the narrative constructions grown amongst
members and groups, portending multiplicity of meaning that stem from different
languages and cultural backgrounds that interact and
overlap with the personal and family stories (Correa
& Hobbs, 2007, Correa & Hobbs, 2009). The insight to
understand diversity of meaning at
diverse cultures and languages needs from openness to conversation and sharing
in order to achieve comprehension for possible resolution of conflicting issues at
intercultural communication interactions. To follow such a multicultural/
intercultural model encouraging the disposition for conversation and sharing
fulfils trans-cultural objectives promoting knowledge and comprehension of the
cultural diversity, that needs from a continuous redefinition of endeavours and
contexts through the “constant interplay between groups, enriching there own
culture in the process” (Duchastel, 2010). Under such cultural contexts’
continuous challenge, social narratives become permeable to diverse social
groups morphogenetic modelling, that in turn develop it members to become responsible citizens at local, national and
international levels (Mighty, pdf). Exploring cultural narratives’ sources of meaning must consider their own
textual contents as well the contexts and inter-textual overlapping of
narratives of many kinds that expand meaning from the diverse personal, group,
institutional, national and cultural appurtenances, as was studied in
Interpersonal group health care professional narratives (Correa & Hobbs,
2007; Correa, 2012). As has been proposed for Aesthetics from a systemic perspective, art
narratives are composed
by different elements (Correa & de Artiagoitia, 2009), moreover shaping extra-textual
source of meaning from the socio-cultural environments (Correa, 2013). “The
extra-textual bonds of a work can be described as the relations between the set
of elements fixed in the text and the set of elements from which any given
element in the text is selected” (Lotman, 1987). The construction of meaning at
the cultural level must therefore consider the inter-textual juxtaposition of
many personal and group narratives, as diverse literary and historic texts
becoming plural texts that challenge the recreation of stories (Correa, 2006a)/
histories (hence supplying diverse meaning) that make space for inter-texts
with the creative-imaginative texts (Silveira, 2006).
Although many
passionate declarations and documents in world’s socio-politic history had
largely claimed for protection of basic human rights and equality in civic
rights, prevails the opposite as concealed by distortion amongst word and
practice that is maintained by political economic social groups masked under
different ideological narratives but always backed by authoritative
military-police-intelligence agencies very well equipped with technological
support and publicity programs. Would such distortion of messages impose
beliefs of doing right when doing wrong by means of exercising the abuse of military power as
well abuse of authoritative and propaganda narratives specifically directed to
inhibit confronting policies and narratives? Émile Durkheim had posed the term anomie in order to characterize the lack of a social ethic that in turn
would produce moral deregulation
leading to harvest absence of legitimate
aspirations that would arise from the mismatch
between personal or group standards and wider social standards (Leigh Star,
Bowker & Neumann, 1997). An hypothesis we had set for discussing such
influences of social models over personal and group narrative construction
always pressed by bereavement to rebuild narrative as led by natural groups not
directly organized by political economic social groups [i.e.: families and
small groups], postulates that since a “social model” of transmission of
stories weakens individuals and groups in their speech mastery acquisition and
enhances dependency to social regulation of narrative, stereotyped and rigid
versions of reality denying the nature of bereavement are to be imposed for the
sake of social homeostasis. In contrast, “narrative family models” of
storytelling evolve into good functioning patterns of conflict resolution if
allowing all members of a group to potentially contribute to the group
narrative by fostering person-to-person communication in order to join at the
reconstruction of reality that is to be particularly challenged at bereavement
(Correa, 2006b, Correa & Hobbs, 2009).
At the present
moment of civilization exhibiting a growing unlimited domain by social systems
having at hand all means to using contemporary technology in order to shape all
narrative construction at their own image
and resemblance, attempts to replace completely personal and family/ small
group narratives by submitting it to technical devices (i.e.: algorithms). On
the other hand, as well social narratives settle into family, community and
aesthetic narrative systems deranging the original senses of family functions,
the work production, the guiding function of social roles and institutions that
bestowed University to develop universal knowledge and disciplines to keep in
the search of relation amongst things as led by Aesthetics (instead beheaded by
utilitarian worth of making career and selling), we guess the opposite would
build “safe heavens” maintenance of family narrative sources for nurturing
social systems with human values not prostituted to commercial, politic and
status values (a subject that was extensively treated by XXth Century
literature pleading against social injustice, not only a matter of metaphor in
Orwell, Bradbury, Huxley, Solzhenitsyn or Camus; a matter of entire lifelong
commitment in novelist Émile Zola).
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§ As
would certainly merit Argentines,
the Inhabitants of the original native lands and the Falkland