Investigative report teams for the
man and the environment quest. 2016’s Oscars
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio won the 2016
Oscars Academy Award for Best Actor in the Motion Picture The Revenant,
directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu, finally ending his acceptance speech
by stressing a statement on the man’s relationship with the environment that
its endangered by the weather change threatening the species survival. He made
a similar call to action when his role in The
Revenant won the GOLDEN GLOBE for best actor, honoring Native Americans and
the need to protect indigenous lands from corporate interests and
exploitation," DiCaprio said. "It is time that we heard your voice
and protected this planet for future generations." A reason for much
rhetoric and poor action on these essential matters asking for urgent real
support for the preservation of LIFE and ethical behavior might account for the
absence of committed press research teams reporting on such neglected areas, as
SPOTLIGHT -the twofold Oscar winner for Best Picture at the 2016 Oscars with
Michael Sugar, Steve Golin, Nicole Rocklin and Blye Pagon Faust, Producers and
Best script, that was written by Josh Singer & Tom McCarthy-, does with the
responsibility of the Catholic church institution with pedophilia. Quoting the
editor’s advice to the Spotlight team: -“We’ll
get into the same cat fight you got into on Porter, which made a lot of noise
but changed things not one bit. We need to focus on the institution not the
individual priests. Practice and policy. Show me the Church manipulated the
system so that these guys wouldn’t have to face charges. Show me they put those
same priests back into parishes, time and time again. Show me this was
systemic, that it came from the top down. Beat. Pretty fucking clear. BEN
-Sounds like we’re going after Law? MARTY -We’re going after the system”-. The
kind of investigative work shown by this film would need to analyze the method
of problem questioning and solving that is systematically employed as well the
problem-focus attitude confronting with permanent disqualification of the facts
and testimonies involved. This certainly would surpass the boundaries of the
ART & the ENVIRONMENT but an important matter for the assessment of its
objectives. The Oscar presentation this year was
said to follow the sequence of film production starting from the writing of its
script up to the final production of a movie. Consequently with such step
process SPOTLIGHT gives testimony of
both, receiving awards both for its script and film production. Following this principle
it is possible to argue that the literary narrative matrix is the essential
foundation of a film, subtending all other visual and sound narratives forming the
very essence of the cinema story. No matter the mastery of actors, directors
and different artistic and technical narrators and narratives –even if a single
object stays still over all the movie-
its narrative prevails as a story asking to be read as a story, not just to be
viewed as a static picture or to be heard as a symphony. The quarrel about the contemporary art [Marc
Jimenez, Gallimard, 2005] expresses the “insufficiencies
and limitations of a cultural system based mostly on the institutional and
economic management of the artistic creation”, renouncing to the aesthetic argumentation
and critical judgment. The Oscar contest keeps bringing fresh air to such
closures made of experts and institutions, opening to the meeting of diverse
views and publics.
Julio E. Correa
MD, at present developing theoretical
research projects at ESICAS
Space interactions with Cultural-Art Space]
Este blog
está dedicado a la investigación, educación y difusión del medio ambiente y su
relación con las ARTES y los patrimonios culturales tangibles e intangibles].
Dr. Julio Enrique Correa
Psicoterapeuta. NARRATIVA Terapia Familiar
Dirección : Pacheco
de Melo 2949 2º"D" TE.: (54
11) 4-8025950 (1425) Buenos Aires Argentina
Matheu 291 (1878) Quilmes Prov. Bs. As,